click on the photograph of the Speaker for the bio.
Ray Lee
Programme Director. Principal Trainer
Ray Lee is an English enthusiast and professional trainer who uses an effective, original and non-academic approach to help business executives improve their English competency. He holds a Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), the highest level Cambridge ESOL qualification which recognizes a standard of English similar to that of an educated native speaker. Having won a scholarship offered by the English Speaking Union, Ray represented Hong Kong for the 2009 International Conference held in The Oxford University.
Ray has over 18 years of extensive business and language training experience. His clients included both local and multinational corporations such as SWIFT, The Hong Kong Tourism Board, The MPF Authority, MTR, Hang Seng Bank, Manulife, VTech, IBM, Wharf T&T, Dell Computer, Cartier, MGB METRO, Panasonic, Sony, MAN Roland, Philips, Pacific Dunlop, K Wah Construction Materials, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong Science & technology Parks, The HKSAR Government, to name a few.
Ray holds an MBA from The University of Melbourne, a Master of Science in Information Systems Management from The Hong Kong University of Science and technology, a Post Graduate diploma in Supply Chain and Logistics Management from The University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor of Marketing from RMIT University. He lectures business and language programmes in local and overseas institutes, including The University of Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Management Association, Vocational Training Council and The Monash University.