click on the photograph of the Speaker for the bio.
Brian Hodgson
Speech Champion. Auctioneer. Speech Trainer
Brian Hodgson has been a Public Speaker for 33 years and a member of Toastmasters International in the UK , Australia and Hong Kong. He has won over 50 speaking speech contests and regularly represents Hong Kong in Asian and China speech contests.
He provides Public speaking training at four universities in Hong Kong and teaches Presentation Trainings for Hong Kong Offices of Fortune 500 companies and one to one coaching with people from all occupations including: finance, law, media, travel, and manufacturing.
For the past 5 years he has also given presentation training for medical professionals at seminars in Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Singapore, Seoul and Taipei.
He was former host of a twice weekly LIVE TV chat show in Hong Kong and is acclaimed as an auctioneer calling auctions across Asia.
Founder and Trainer at